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Blocks of Finite Groups and Beyond![]() celebrating Burkhard Külshammer's 60th birthday |
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik Institut für Mathematik Arbeitsgruppe Algebra/Zahlentheorie |
Christine Bessenrodt | Restricted Kronecker products for the symmetric groups |
Serge Bouc | Representations of finite sets |
Charles Eaton | Donovan's conjecture (slides) |
Karin Erdmann | Beyond tame blocks (slides) |
Paul Fong | The Alperin weight conjecture for Sn and GL(n,q) revisited |
Eugenio Giannelli | Signed Young permutation modules of the symmetric group |
László Héthelyi | On p-stability in fusion systems |
Radha Kessar | On anchors of irreducible characters |
Shigeo Koshitani | Endo-trivial modules in the dihedral Sylow 2-subgroups case |
Markus Linckelmann | On cohomological Mackey functors |
Gunter Malle | On blocks containing one simple module |
John Murray | Symmetric and symplectic bilinear forms on simple and projective indecomposable modules (slides) |
Gabriel Navarro | Real finite groups |
Geoffrey Robinson | A conjectural upper bound for the number of simple modules in a block (slides) |
Benjamin Sambale | Cartan matrices and Brauer's k(B)-conjecture (slides) |
Leonard Scott | Using algebraic groups to go `beyond' |
Bhama Srinivasan | Blocks of GL(n,q), old and new |
Jacques Thévenaz | It's a long way to the land of endo-trivial modules (slides) |
Tomoyuki Wada | Number of irreducible Brauer characters of height 0 in 2-blocks of finite groups |
Wolfgang Willems | Indecomposable quasi-projective characters in a block (slides) |
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