Blocks2015, 22nd - 25th July, 2015, Jena (Germany)

Block theory of finite groups has been extremely active and rich in fascinating developments in recent years, but still is full of questions and open conjectures. It is our aim to bring together leading experts in the field, to report on the latest results and to discuss perspectives. Moreover, this is also intended to be an opportunity for young mathematicians to get into contact with this branch of mathematics and the people working here.

Needless to say that Burkhard Külshammer has had a major influence on many of these developments. The topics of this conference are chosen to reflect his broad mathematical interests, which encompass all aspects of modular representation theory of finite groups --- and beyond.

Invited Speakers

Christine Bessenrodt    (Hannover) 
Serge Bouc  (Amiens) 
Charles Eaton  (Manchester) 
Karin Erdmann  (Oxford) 
Paul Fong  (Chicago) 
László Héthelyi  (Budapest) 
Radha Kessar  (London) 
Shigeo Koshitani  (Chiba) 
Markus Linckelmann  (London) 
Gunter Malle  (Kaiserslautern) 
John Murray  (Maynooth) 
Gabriel Navarro  (Valencia) 
Jørn Olsson  (Copenhagen) 
Geoffrey Robinson  (Bristol) 
Benjamin Sambale  (Jena) 
Jacques Thévenaz  (Lausanne) 
Tomoyuki Wada  (Tokyo) 
Wolfgang Willems  (Magdeburg) 
Photo: I. Spilling

Additionally, there will be a few slots for contributed talks. If you would like like to offer a talk, please do not hesitate to contact us.



The conference will start on Wednesday 22nd July 2015, early afternoon, and will end around noon on Saturday 25th July 2015.

See schedule for further information.

Those of you who arrive already on Monday or Tuesday are invited to come to the Institute for Mathematics, Algebra Division, to meet people, informal discussions, ...

The conference dinner will take place on Friday 24th July evening.

Photo: I. Spilling

Conference venue

The conference is hosted by Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany, where Burkhard Külshammer has spent a considerable part of his mathematical life.
The talks will be held in the “Rosensäle” (Fürstengraben 27). These lecture halls are located in one of the historical, recently nicely renovated, buildings you find throughout the heart of Jena city.

Photo: I. Spilling



All participants (apart from the invited speakers) are asked to arrange for their own hotel reservation. We have made pre-reservations at reduced prices in a number of hotels in Jena. See accommodation for further information.

A view of the Wagnergasse
Photo: FSU/Kasper

Organisation and contact

If you would like to attend the conference, please complete the registration form before 23rd June, 2015.

The conference is organised by Robert Boltje (Santa Cruz, USA), Susanne Danz (Eichstätt), David Green (Jena) and Jürgen Müller (Jena). Please feel free to contact us at any time.

Photo: I. Spilling

DFG-Logo<br> SPP1388

Financial support

The conference is supported by the DFG Priority Programme SPP1388 "Representation Theory", and by the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.

There will be some limited support for younger mathematicians; to apply please just contact us.

KU Eichstätt Logo